If you're here, perhaps it's that you've been snooping on my website, and you're curious to know about how I became agented, what it's like to write a query, or you're curious about the traditional publishing route and you want to know more.
Or, maybe you're curious about me, who I am, and what my life is like.
This may be my first post on this blog, but lucky for you, I have a TON of archives where I've documented my previous agent experience, what it was like to be on submission, how to write a query, and plenty more (no worries, I'll link it below!).
Do keep an eye out on this page, though! Soon, I'll be writing about how I landed a new agent, and what it was like participating in #pitchmad this year.
On this very blog, I'll also be documenting my journey to be traditional published, any new experiences, and it's possible I may drop a thing or two about what's happening in my real life, too.
As always, I love connecting with you! Don't hesitate to reach out via my website.
Till next time, blog world!
Click here to visit my old blog, Words With You, and all my archives.

Aweee, I appreciate your comments, Sarah! Thanks so much. You'll always be like family. <3
Hi Britney! I love your website! I'm so proud of you and so happy I got to know you in our childhood years! Besides my little family I created which are my reason to always better myself, you have also inspired me to always be me and to do what I love! So I thank you little sister! I love you!