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Agents Who Respond OVERNIGHT

Listen, I didn't realize how many people needed these lists.

As a follow up to the Agents Who Respond Within A Week, here's the promised list of agents who've responded overnight.

The biggest takeaway here, though, is that so much of the industry is luck and timing. They may not respond overnight, and some of the agents that respond overnight, might not be the agent you sign with.

My agent is fantastic, and she was certainly not an overnight agent. Check out that story here:

Lastly, this list (like the last list), has a high emphasis on literary agents who represent YA and Children's book. BUT, some of the agent here also represent Adult, PB's, and Graphic novels.



If you've queried an agent that has responded overnight, leave your response in the comment section below - it could help a fellow querying writer!


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Till next time blog world!

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Britney S. Lewis
Britney S. Lewis
Nov 25, 2020

Update! A friend messaged me, wanting to let me know that she queried Tracy Crow, at Tracy Crow Literary Agency, and Tracy responded in an hour! Cool stuff.

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